Pastoral Care
At Holy Spirit we are called as followers of Jesus to look beyond our walls to the needs of the world. Yet we also recognize that to more faithfully love our neighbors, we also need to take care of ourselves.
HSEC Pastoral Care Team
Our vision for pastoral care is to offer intentional emotional, social and spiritual support, both religious and secular, for members of our parish. Because of the relationships developed at Holy Spirit, all members of the church are the first contacts for pastoral care and respond enthusiastically with cards, calls, emails, hugs, friendly visits and help.
More formal pastoral care includes official Eucharistic visits by the priest or someone from the Pastoral Care Committee, caring for a person who is struggling with a difficulty, praying with someone in a crisis, and spending time with parishioners who are homebound and isolated due to illness or aging.
We are proud of the way pastoral care happens at Holy Spirit. We recognize that it is NOT just the job of the priest, it is part of our call as followers of Jesus to “love God and love our neighbor.” The caring and compassion we show each other makes us a very welcoming congregation.
There is no better way to build communication and connection than spending time together. We enjoy being a congregation together, united by working toward important goals, and sharing and learning about each other and our own distinct experiences. Whatever brings us together, we are energized and enriched by forming meaningful relationships within and outside of the church.